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Posted: January 24, 2025




Link: https://themidsouthtribuneblog.wordpress.com/2025/01/24/the-mid-south-tribunes-endorses-tulsi-gabbard/

The Mid-South Tribune’s Endorsement of Tulsi Gabbard


By Ms. Arelya J. Mitchell, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief

The Mid-South Tribune


The Democratic Party is China’s biggest asset. This assertion should throw polluted water on any attempts Democratic Party senators and congressmen have on denying Tulsi Gabbard the Director of National Intelligence position by accusing her of being a foreign asset and having met with foreign leaders while serving in Congress—just as most of them have done and are doing.

Gabbard is qualified. Gabbard is a former Democrat Congressman who had the audacity to run for president and preempt Kamala Harris in a split second during the 2020 primary debate. But what has angered Democratic Party elites is that Gabbard is no longer a Democrat and should be punished for having left the Party. It is not so much peculiar as it is vicious that Biden’s TSA (Transportation Security Administration) placed her on the Quiet Skies terrorist watch list shortly after she criticized the Biden administration. Judicial Watch sued to find out why. Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch president, stated: “Given her pending nomination to Director of National Intelligence, this issue should quickly be cleared up, and those responsible be held accountable.”

Gabbard has cited what so many former Democrats have which is that she did not leave the Party, but the Party left her. Besides, many Americans are waking (or ‘Woke-ing’) up to the fact that the Democratic Party has left them, too.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, had the same complaint, among others who believe the Democratic Party has gone so far left that it is the real “existential threat” to American Democracy and freedom.

Now, the Dems are playing the stalling game of putting in whatever obstacle they can to delay and deny President Trump of getting his slate of Cabinet nominees.  

This is what should have been suspected and expected. The Democratic Party is in lock-step with socialism, Marxism, and communism. Its star socialist-elites such as A.O.C., Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Congressional Black Caucus members have to stop Trump by any stupid means necessary.  In the last century, we editorialized how this Party was gradually transforming the United States into a ‘satellite nation’ of China. It has endorsed a Marxist agenda under the guise of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) where it is acutely aware that “Equity” in this program is a Marxist term and plot. The Democratic Party promotes BLM (Black Lives Matter) which is an avowed Marxist organization. It promotes George Soros’ Open Society and takes his millions to aid and abet millions of illegal crime-infested migrants to invade America’s borders with ready-made cells and cartels. This is ample evidence that the Democratic Party is an anti-American party. In other words, an ‘asset’ of China.

How ironic that the Democratic Party uses Black women Democratic officeholders to advance what is clearly a Marxist agenda by categorizing them as “women of color” which, according to their definition, would have made Tulsi Gabbard a woman of color. But apparently, she is the wrong woman of color because she rejects using her ‘color’ to define her political philosophy and beliefs. Tulsi Gabbard believes in the American Constitution and America’s culture of freedom and the ‘pursuit of happiness’. The Democratic Party in the 21st Century rejects the Constitution. It has even refused to investigate any of its party members who have engaged in sex with Chinese spies, hired Chinese spies as chauffeurs, taken millions in bribes from Chinese and Marxist operatives. (The latter is a subject matter of Cong. James Comer’s upcoming book, “The Biden Crime Family”. We earlier asserted in editorials that Joe Biden will be the first occupant of the Oval Office to emerge as a billionaire allegedly due to his own and his family’s corruption, bringing to light why he pre-pardoned--before charges were even made--family members to save his own ass and yes, perhaps even those foreign ‘ass-sets’ who delivered bribes, kickbacks, jewelry, favors, and what-have-you via Biden family members.).

The Democratic Party is China’s biggest asset. This bears repeating because the Democratic Party which is in full Woke meltdown has to make sure that Tulsi Gabbard is blocked to save itself as it gears up to fire the first shot from the Sanctuary Cities Confederacy to solidify its “Resistance” not only to President Trump but to the American People which gave him a landslide mandate.  

This is a Democratic Party which delivered 51 intelligent agents and officers who signed a letter to destroy President Trump so it could push the lie (propaganda) that the Hunter Biden laptop was fake. It is a Democratic Party which has wrangled the legacy media into submission. It is a Party which would rather pour billions into “The Resistance” than to send a FEMA penny to hurricane victims in North Carolina and Tennessee; a drop of water to California and Hawaii (Gabbard’s home state) wildfire victims; and relief to train-wreck chemical victims in Ohio (Vice President JD Vance’s home state). Hopefully, all American citizens will drink in these facts of exactly what the Democratic Party thinks of its own citizens, and remember this party practices “genocide by FEMA.”

Tulsi Gabbard over the years has proven and re-proven herself not only to be an astute member of Congress but also a patriotic member of the U.S.A. military.  When she found herself in a cesspool of a Party in which she once believed, just as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and so many others, she ‘examined her conscience’ and got the hell out of a Party which has returned to its roots of slavery (sex and child trafficking with over 300,000 missing migrant children) and segregation (D.E.I. and CRT).

The Democratic Party seeks to control and destroy Gabbard (and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.) as punishment by making examples of them as America faces a crossroads of being either the United States of America or the United States of Socialist America.

Any Republican who questions the patriotism of President Trump’s nominees Tulsi Gabbard, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and others, he or she should look at the big picture. That big picture is that President Trump has received and secured The People’s Vote. The People’s Mandate. Any Democrat who wants to defy The People who gave President Trump this mandate, should also look at the bigger picture: You either need to clean up your party or the People will clean it up for you. Americans now have a righteous anger to move You out!

We endorse Tulsi Gabbard, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and all of President Donald J. Trump’s cabinet nominees to Make America Great Again!
